Obstacle or Opportunity?
obstacles in life can be opportunities in disguise
Most people start looking for a therapy, healing technique or modality because they consider they have a problem they want to deal with. They don’t want to have the problem anymore and they look for help or try a self-help method. However, both in my private life and in my sessions I try to avoid the word “problem”. I choose to use the word “challenge” instead and to see it not only as an obstacle but also as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Many (self-) help techniques focus on solving a problem without first considering the possibility that the problem, which I prefer to call challenge, may actually be a cleverly disguised opportunity to learn an important life lesson. But by solving the problem you kill the messenger, you don’t receive the message and you miss the lesson! And as long as you need to learn this lesson, new messengers, disguised as problems/challenges, are likely to show up in your life.
Now stop reading for a few seconds and think about a challenging situation in your life … Could there be a message in it? Any idea what it might be? Are you ready and willing to receive the message and do something with it? Are you ready to learn, maybe change direction, grow and evolve?
Furthermore, problems/challenges can be subconscious strategies for meeting important needs in your life or to protect you from harm or from something you don’t want. In other words, the problem you think you want to get rid of may actually be a solution to another, perhaps much bigger, problem. What may appear to be a disability to do one thing may actually be an ability to do something else or prevent you from having to do something else you don’t want to do.
I think many parents know the situation where a child wakes up with a fever on the day they have an exam which they haven’t prepared for. The fever solves the problem of having to take the exam and risking a bad mark.
So again, stop reading for a few seconds. Does this sound familiar? Is there a challenge/problem in your life that actually protects you from something else?
In PSYCH-K® we never simply assume it is good for the person we work with, who we call Partner, to get rid of a problem or challenge. We look into messages and possible advantages in the experienced situation, and if we find them we work with them. We also use a Permission Protocol to ensure that every step we take in a session is appropriate at that specific moment in the Partner’s life and evolution.
This is one of the reasons why I love doing what I do. I don’t assume, I don’t guess. I ask, to find out what is in your best interest so I can support you in your process.