You are the Key
When you read this you are probably aware of the fact that somehow you co-create your experience in life based on the information/beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind. And you might be wondering how to communicate with it. How to figure out what is in there and how to change what is in there…
Nowadays we have many beautiful ways to connect with our subconscious mind, for example meditation, hypnosis, the use of a pendulum. On his website Bruce Lipton, author of the well-known book “The Biology of Belief”, includes a long list of belief changing modalities. They are all great, they all work and I highly recommend you have a look at the list and see what resonates with you. The modality Lipton uses, and the one I use myself and offer others is PSYCH-K®.
For me one of the big differences with other modalities is that in PSYCH-K® YOU are the KEY that unlocks the door to your Subconscious Mind. You use your own body to communicate with it, to find out which outdated and counterproductive information it holds, ánd to teach it new, updated and empowering information of your choice. These new beliefs are then the foundation on which you can actively build your desired life.
PSYCH-K® is the methodology and you are the tool!
You are the Key that opens the door to your mind.
Are you ready to open the door and step inside?
If your answer is Yes, I invite you to contact me so we can have a chat and see if what I can offer is what you are looking for.